Bright and early saturday morning my host papa, Vahan, drove me out to one of the main drags, Tigran Metz st. My neighborhood is a maze of run down houses clumped together. Nothing is paved in the neighborhood and its a big pain for taxis to make it through the streets...very difficult for marshutkas (little vans that are the major source of transport in Gyumri.
So I jumped in the Green vada and Vahan,clad in his russian uniform, drove me out to the main drag avoiding all of the wild, homeless dogs and huge potholes along the way! Birthright rents a marshutka to pick us up in Gyumri and take us to Yerevan every saturday. The driver didn't see me on the street and passed me, so vahan motioned for me to get back in and zoomed off to follow the van. Finally, I was where i needed to be. Alyssa, another volunteer, was chased by dogs as she was running to catch the van. Thankfully that hasn't happened to me yet!
It was the start to a crazy day! During orientation a couple of days prior, Sevan (the Birthright director) told Ryan and I that we would be taking an quick, easy hike to a temple in garni and then have lunch together. well, let's just say the hike was NOT easy OR quick! I thought I was in pretty good shape. Running and biking a lot in dc. Not so much. This hike was like straight up a mountain. We got to the mountain at 11:30, just as it was starting to get hot. The scenery was beautfiful, huge lush mountains, wild orange poppies everywhere, the river rushing in the valley. Sevan told us the last time a group of volunteers had done this hike, one of the volunteers stopped midway through because it was just too much. So here i am walking up this mountain, still not really comprehending that i am in Armenia seeing all of this beautiful scenery. Then all of sudden i started thinking: damn this hike is getting tough, the incline is just getting steeper, wow I'm really hot.

Well, anyways what ended up happening was i threw up my yerevan "Yum Yum" donut at the base of a little tree. The same tree where a volunteer from last year declared that she would not go any further. As quickly as the feeling came to me, just as quickly it passed and i felt okay after some time in the shade. You all know, I am not the athletic type, but I was determined not to appear to be the weakest link, so i pressed on. About 20 minutes further down the path, two other volunteers dropped off complaining of stomach pain and exhaustion. I pressed on. It was well worth it. The view from the church ruins at the top was well worth the effort.
The day really did get better after that. We visited a pagan temple in Garni that was built in 66AD, went to a monasterie in Geghard that has really remained untouched since it was built because it was cleverly built within a cave. They we had a delicious lunch nearby. We sat on a back patio in the shade overlooking the mountains and river. It was amazing to be there!

Finally, we all went back to our birthright apartment which we affectionatley call the "Crack Den" in Yerevan. Not much in there except little pull-out beds and a half empty box of frosted flakes. I almost fell into the toilet on my first morning. the toilet seats here are so flimsy. or maybe my butt is just too big!
We all got showered and ready for a night on the town. The first stop was to meet up with some americans at an irish pub in downtown yerevan. We met some interesting folks and then made our way to a dance club called 'Relax'. That was an experience. A bunch of armenians trying to be westerners. It didn't really work too well! The techno music was horrible and the dancing was horrible (esp a peace corps volunteer who was doing the robot). This armerican guy was making a huge fool out of himself. I think he seriously thought he knew how to dance. It was painful to watch. But a pretty hilarious night. Ryan and I left at about 2:30 am and there were a bunch of cops (vostigan) outside breaking up a fight. We passed an armenian guys with tattoos up both arms answering his cell phone. "What's up homey?".
Alright, next time I'll tell you more about living with my host family. Hope you all are well! miss ya :)
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People should read this.
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